Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 6, 2014

Chapter 1. Anything Marketingla Email

 According to Wikipedia-mail Marketing is m ot form of direct marketing using email (th e u) as ph-run media information to potential customers ng galaxy power.

 According Estimate broad sense: every email sent to a customer or client Potential customers are able Considering that the email-marketing. However Email Marketing is often used to refer to: Send email to strengthen the company's relationships with existing customers welded g now or formerly to encourage customer loyalty and create add h to synthesize contracts with these customers. Send email to a DBU turn into customers or interested convince precursor customers in purchasing products / services immediately. The inclusion of advertisements in emails sent by the company to customers their customers. And sending email over the Internet (with the existing email system outside the internet). Some Advantages diemcua Email: Ease of Use: Email Pass gi free us from the worst part of every t day, help us eat qu of contacts, quickly send mail, calendar l priority send mail use, the important information of us. Speed: Email sent instantly to anywhere in the world and no Th e other services please email the tocdo h. Safe and reliable c whoa: About Information Security is a daily effort to improve improve security for sending email. The email was sent out today has been encrypted email forms and still be considered safe for the moment. Ease of information transmission bu c: if someone want to answer email messages the previous email message, simply hit reply, or email attachment ot m somehow. Easy automation: any email program that helps you create an application c autoresponder easily. The only run in the precursor Email Marketing lets you create automated scripts sent as: sending 1 hour after registration, sent weekly, sent when shopping, but s ... e is only mentioned in the next run. Get familiar with Email Marketing 2.0 4 Copyright @ vinaContact 2010 Environmental friendly drink: Email is environmentally friendly p c mound of Japan in media types. No nh u through mail correspondence he used paper contains many chemicals. You do not have to worry about when using curve maps Environmental Email. Using graphics: You can create multiple color effects, insert video, audio sound, photographs, post CPC thiepvao in his email. Make attractive email than a conventional picture u th. As an effective promotional tools: Email is used is considered to be war basic strategy of the company. Although there are many advantages but also some nh Email certain conventions: Virus: Email is considered the program effective things owned viruses, the virus can "break enter "and spread themselves by sending email attachments to the list associated virus your system. Nowadays email servers perform virus scans all emails at the same attachments, but there are hidden risks v C of the virus to favorite ch be detected. Spam: When Email is used to send text messages, unwanted advertising nuisance, they're called SPAM (junk u th). Check and delete the email nh u So spend a lot of time. Filter th composting is one of the major features as of antenna email program. Th u garbage problem was related to fraudulent or forged name for a certain purpose. Hacking: When an email is sent but not t ới place, it will be somewhere between only the compost machine in the world. Thus, primitive email was "hacked" by a hackers career. Misunderstanding: Like any other means of communication, email can also nh u misleading if you do not explicitly express or rush. Long Email: Email content is too long and dry ng attention to the presentation may can cause fatigue reader. Most often they ignore that email nh u. Full Inbox: One of the annoyances of the email inbox is full, especially the mail box l drinking finite capacity. When full, the new email was sent toise return, sometimes causing problems for both non-DBU can calculate and send the recipient. Check Inbox th regular curve maps: To stay updated, you have to check the inbox frequently. This sometimes causes lunar m dispersion time and focus to do reduce the effectiveness of your work.

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